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Smart Interdiction Video Search Series

Follow along with internationally recognized, multi-award winning instructor Shaun Smart in this first-of-it’s-kind video series as he shows you his approach to searching a motor vehicle. Access this video series roadside during your actual search, easily look up the exact area you are currently in the process of searching.

What you’ll get

  • First Of Its Kind On-The-Road Access

    To common (and not so common) hide locations with detailed instruction on how to search them, including video demonstration.

  • Actionable Instruction

    From record setting, multi-award winning instructor Shaun Smart, whose search methods have become a staple nationwide (as well as worldwide).

  • A Better Ability To Justify Your Search Methods In Court

    Knowing how and why means a better ability to articulate your reasoning in a court of law, to supervision, and most importantly, to yourself.

  • Details On All Of The Things You Will Actually Need On The Road

    What tools do I really need with me? Where do I start my search? Do I need to search an area more than once? Get advice on all aspects of the searching process directly from one of the nations best career interdiction specialists.

  • Precise Explanation On Where To Search And Why

    Not only the six main search areas of a passenger vehicle, but all sub-sections within, as well as why/when to search them.

  • Skip The Learning Curve

    Don't allow a single potential seizure to drive away, gain the knowledge and confidence required to discover even the most sophisticated of hide locations.

All Six Search Areas

Follow along as we discuss each of the six search areas, and all of their subsections, by utilizing short video segments that you can easily watch even as you conduct your own roadside searches.

What’s inside

What To Bring, What To Do

Search strategies with actionable advice on what tools to use and when/why you should take a step back or forward, which will help with articulating your search methods in court.

We Want You To Succeed

Smart Interdiction has made this search series available with the sole purpose of aiding law enforcement during the actual process of searching roadside. Each section is broken down in such a way as to make it as easy as possible to view the area you are searching, even as you are on the road in the middle of your search.

Smart Interdiction Passenger Vehicle Video Search Series
One time

Gain access to this in-depth, on-line video program which will give you an understanding of search concepts, search patterns, and good to know tips that will make you not only a better searcher of vehicles, but also a more confident officer. Broken down into short segments, this series is designed to be utilized on the road, as you search. This video series is for active, sworn law enforcement only.

✓ Watch anywhere, anytime
✓ Look up specific areas roadside during your actual search
✓ Get Detailed Instruction On Each Section Of A Motor Vehicle
✓ Better Articulate Your Search Methods In Court
✓ From One Of The Nations Most Decorated Interdiction Officers